39 | Enhancing the Virtual Meeting: Why Technology Is Not the Answer to Better Collaborations

Today's discussion features Matt Homann, CEO and Founder of Filament, an organization that designs, facilitates, and hosts collaborative meetings, conferences, off-sites and any type of human collaboration environment, with the objective of enabling meetings to produce measurable results that move organizations forward.

For more than 20 years, Matt has been involved in the leadership spaces of designing creative experiences in everything including learning, skill building, collaboration and knowledge delivery. From building in person and virtual spaces that allow people to have better meetings, which he does at Filament today, to using arts to teach business skills, all the way to disseminating hard to explain concepts through illustrations and the drawing of pictures. Matt is an attorney by trade,  holding a JD from the Washington University St. Louis School of Law, and not only spent time practicing earlier in his career, but also taught pre-trial practice and procedure as an adjunct professor of law at his alma mater.

Matt describes how he's explicitly stitched together the many opportunities in his career in areas like law, with the collection of experiences in creative design thinking type endeavors as a consultant and leader, and his experiences as entrepreneurship building innovative conferences and meeting places. It's clear that Matt is one of the top practitioners in helping people and organizations collaborate better together.