58 | Identifying Opportunities for AI - Advocacy, Execution, and Culture Change | Chat Mode Insights Series

Derek Russell |

Digital Advisor, Innovation | Microsoft US


Today's discussion features a LIVE interview hosted by Chat Mode, a system integrator focused on implementing conversational AI, located in Bellevue Washington. This particular LIVE discussion is part of a multi segment series, the Chat Mode Insight Series - a sharing of best practices, information, and insights around everything chatbots, voice and AI technology.  Chad Oda, the host of the program and head of consulting at Chat Mode, engages with me in this discussion around AI adoption, program management, and the realities of accelerating successful AI projects with the world's biggest businesses and organizations.

The conversation covers topics that are often not discussed enough in the world of AI and machine learning - the ideas behind advocating for mission critical technological change, with the most progressive, evolving, and accessible tech - across a broad range of challenges ranging from organizational politics, AI maturity within an organization, all the way to choosing the right problems to align resources to solve, are all part of this discussion with Chad at Chat Mode.

***Navigate the episode***

[06:22] Recent learnings in the realm of AI deployment in large organizations

[08:20] How Derek is interacting with customers on the front-line

[10:35] The change of AI trends across the past couple of years, and the evolution of projects and use cases as technology accelerates through cloud computing

[16:55] The general sentiment Derek hears around AI at the executive level with the world’s largest organizations

[19:40] Use case identification and qualification when talking to business leaders

[26:25] The various mindsets around technology adoption and deployment within organizations

[31:31] The characterization of AI strategy and how to get customers to think through this strategy

[40:50] Chatbot solution adoption, and the business value demonstrated by automated AI solutions

[46:29] The future of chat bots, voice, and other integration technologies

[50:20] Relevant examples of specific business problems and customer outcomes

[54:57] Finding motivation and inspiration in the world of AI – the importance of the democratization of skilling and learning in AI/ML

***Resources and Links***

Chad Oda LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/chadoda/

Chat Mode - https://www.linkedin.com/company/chatmode/

The Data Binge Podcast with Brandon Rohrer

The Data Binge Podcast with Elnaz Sarraf

Microsoft Garage - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/garage/